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Od 18 let
Následující stránky jsou určeny pouze pro dospělé. Vstupem na stránky potvrzujete, že je vám nejméně 18 let.
I totally agree with this review. But might I suggest putting prelubricated condom over it by before insertion, this way there is no cleaning needed to the inside and just a rinse to remove the lube. It does feel great having all that weight inside you when walking, there is no denying you are plugged with no escape possible. When it opens it is so deep inside you you could never remove it, and it really presses the prostate where if you're allowed to can cum, the feeling is exquisite. If you're not allowed to cum, you'll beg for it, because having something so big and heavy inside you is a very erotic feeling! If you have a key holder, make sure you trust him/her, cuz you can't dedicate with this locked inside you. I LOVE mine!
Full gay Slave, and have been it this wonderful device new for over 6 mouth, my master has full control of my sex, being locked in this I have not been out since I was put in it. my Master has one key around his neck and another in another place that I have no idea where it is, and he will not tell me. He has told me that it maybe be made full time, if am to his work shop, and the device is work on by a welder something am not looking forward too.,,
Die Zeitschaltuhr funktioniert ohne Tadel. Und auch der Buttplug ist so ziemlich das beste und hochwertigste was mir je untergekommen (bzw. in den Arsch gekommen) ist. Kann beide Produkte aufrichtig empfehlen. Liebe Grüße aus Zürich. Euer Peter.
Mit mehrsprachiger Gebrauchsanweisung von MEO (sehr gut beschrieben) ! Das Material der Bullenring fühlt sich gut an. Und der Bullring passt sich perfekt an.
SMALL : le modèle small est tres agreable avec les picots
LOOK MY YOUTUBE VIDEO (Bottom toys : gay sextoys) ce sextoys est fin mais les picots sont tres fort pour la stimulation intensive, que tu sois débutant, ou pratiquant fist avec un anus eclaté, c 'est tres agreable ! car les boules font de la friction dans tous les sens et stimulent l'anus