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Als jemand, der nie wirklich ein Fan von Blowjobs war, geschweige denn von Deep Throat, vor allem wegen der beachtlichen Größe meines Freundes, war es für mich eine Offenbarung, das EZ2SUCK Deep Throat Spray von MEO zu entdecken.
Vom ersten Moment an überzeugte mich das Spray durch seine sofortige Wirkung. Vor allem aber ermöglichte es mir, meinen Freund auf eine Art und Weise zu befriedigen, die ich vorher nicht für möglich gehalten hätte.
Ich muss hinzufügen, dass wir beide von der Wirksamkeit des Sprays überrascht waren. Meine früheren Bedenken und Schwierigkeiten mit Deepthroat verschwanden sofort und ich fand mich in einer völlig neuen und sehr schönen Erfahrung wieder.
Was wirklich bemerkenswert ist, ist die Veränderung, die das EZ2SUCK Spray bei mir bewirkt hat. Es hat mir nicht nur geholfen, meinen Freund auf eine bisher unbekannte Weise zu befriedigen, sondern ich habe auch begonnen, diese Momente zu genießen. Es gibt kaum etwas Befriedigenderes für mich, als die Freude und das Vergnügen auf dem Gesicht meines Partners zu sehen wenn er kommt.
Ich kann das EZ2SUCK Spray von MEO nur wärmstens empfehlen. Es hilft nicht nur, die "körperlichen Barrieren" des Deepthroats zu überwinden sondern es sorgt auch dafür, dass es beiden richtig Spaß macht.
I really recommend Extremeo for anyone who wants to experience anal play but are too nervous or on edge it really helps with the process if you are relaxed leaving everything to be a lot more pleasurable.
If your into sounding this medical formula offers hassle free insertion, extended play, no strange stinging sensations after use. Always clean your sounds before use. I can recommend VERYCLEAN
It is very good to have this. However, no list of diameters in mm available, so what should I do now ? buy each of them to try, which one fits mine anal toy ? and still no answers from Meo customer service...
Auch wenn man schon viel Erfahrung mit Analdehnung hat, so gibt es doch manchmal den Punkt wo vielleicht die Anatomie, aber der Kopf nicht so ganz mitmacht. Deswegen haben wir diese Gleitcreme ausprobiert. Und was soll ich sagen? Da wo es früher „gehakt“ hat, war nach auftragen dieser Gleitcreme einfaches eindringen easy möglich. Oder anders: schwubbs und die ganze Hand war drin. Ich bin wirklich sehr angetan von diesem Produkt, da es zwar entspannt, aber auch nocht „totbetäubt“ - schließlich will man ja auch noch spüren was passiert, wenn sich eine ganze Faust in einem bewegt (und vermeiden, dass irgendwas verletzt wird). Supergeil. Werden wir wieder kaufen!
I recently received a package from MEO for testing & reviewing for your reading pleasure. The box was really heavy, which is proper exciting, it had my mind racing as to what delights might be inside. Cracking it open, I was perhaps a little surprised to find a piece of black metal gleaming at me in the dimly lit hallway. Taking it out of the box I was confronted by the MEO Anal Stretcher.
Regular readers of subsmissives will know that I am no stranger to the odd bit of anal play, and whilst I knew such things existed, I’d never really contemplated owning an Anal Stretcher before. One thing’s for sure though, if I did, it would definitely be this one – it is exactly what I would go for. Made from an aluminium alloy, it is understated and kinky all at the same time. I mean, just look at the beauty of it.
Weighing in at 210g, with a length of 8cm, this small Anal Stretcher I was sent is, despite its name, pretty big! The hole is 2.8cm in diameter, but the minimum diameter is 3.4cm; that’s a circumference of over 10.5cm (4in). There’s no taper or graduation in girth, that’s your starting point…
5cm at its widest, the insertible part makes up half of the size of the anal stretcher at 4cm. Once inserted, it will hold your bumhole open at a diameter of around 3.8cm. So, be advised, this is by no means a beginner toy. The base offers 1cm of flare all round for security of fit once you are wearing it.
Now, the MEO website reckons that the Anal Stretcher is Ideal for 24/7 use. Clearly to do that one has to first do what I am skirting the issue of; yep you guessed it, get it in your arse.
I’ve tried a couple of times, but without success, so I have decided to diarise my attempts, and so dearest reader, here we have, subs anal stretching log.
Day 1 – Anal Stretcher Newbie
Today I bit the bullet and decided I really must try to use the Anal Stretcher from MEO. I’d been using a titanium dildo I won in a competition, and thought, “I’m lubed up and ready so let’s see”…
I added a bit of MANCUNT lube and positioned myself for insertion.
I find the most relaxing position to be laying on my left side, right leg bent up as if taking a giant step, left leg straighter. So in my favoured position, I attempt insertion.
I place the rounded head of the Anal Stretcher against my sphincter, and give a gentle push. Ummm, OK, I’m going to push harder, so I try harder. I can feel my muscle beginning to give way a little.
Actually, I don’t think I can, I think it’s just pushing my skin in. Clearly more thought is required.
Day 2 – Anal Stretcher? Woof!
I’ve had a think, and I realise that pushing harder and relaxing are not necessarily commensurate with each other. With this in mind, I decide to try a more welcoming posture. So, lubing up, I adopt the famous doggy position, figuring that this will leave me most welcoming to the Anal Stretcher.
I’m not going to say I was wrong, but I wasn’t entirely right. There’s no doubt that this will be easier than my usual position, but it’s still not going anywhere. Somehow I need to marry up comfort, openness and the ability to push firmly. I’m thinking the key to comfort might be a tad more preparatory play.
Day 3 – Progress of sorts.
It’s been a few days since I tried the Anal Stretcher, kids and pizza, and other shiz, y’know. Anyway, I’m back to trying the stretcher.
So here’s the deal. I started with a slim dildo, and had a gentle prod away, got my self ready for something bigger, then I switched to a medium-sized plug, which I inserted and extracted a few times (you should try it – holy wowness!). Suitably warmed up and feeling pretty relaxed, I took to the doggy position.
I nuzzle the anal stretcher in between my butt cheeks, and push. There is a little movement, not a lot but a little. I push a little firmer, and I can feel my relaxed anus pulling open a little. Yes, this is good stuff, exactly what I need to happen. So, I push a little firmer, and can again feel a little movement as the Anal Stretcher tries to invade my butt.
I pause, this is going places, and I don’t want to ruin it by being too hasty.
So I push harder, and I really do feel like this is going in, I feel like my arse is being opened, like it does for a plug. Well, slightly different to a plug, since there’s a lot of pushing inwards as well as stretching outwards.
But then I seem to not be able to go any further. It’s really frustrating me, I’ve taken thing this big before, but with a taper. More thought is required.
I will continue to try, and update my progress here, so do check back to see how I’m getting on, and please do post any suggestions on how to get the blunt end of this Anal Stretcher into my butt.
Read full review: subsmissives.com/reviews/plugs/anal-stretcher-aluminium-alloy-meo/
also ich muss mal sagen , habe mir denn strecher in grösse L gekauft da ich schon sehr gut gedehnt bin , passt ganz gut aber irgendwie ist der fuss zu gross ist also nicht so bequem zu sitzen und zu laufen , darauf hin habe ich dann nochmal denn in grösse M bestellt weil ich ihn ja denn ganzen tag tragen möchte . da past es mit dem fuss schon besser , allerdings muss mann aufpassen das er nicht rausrutscht liegt wahrscheinlich dran das der kleine ring wo der schliesmuskel rum soll etwas zu kurz oder zu knapp ist , manch mal setzt er sich ganz gut rum , mann merkt es richtig dann sitzt er etwas fester , aber irgendwie ist das noch alles verbesserungs bedürftig , aber so ja nicht schlecht , hoffe das es bald mal einen strecher gibt der auch am ende viel bequemer sitzt und kein kneifen und zwicken hat , und vorallem was das er nicht so einfach rausrutscht , also muss ich sagen grösse M ist ganz gut für unterwegs aber der kleine ring sollte schon einen 5er Durchmesser haben und der grosse einen 8er Durchmesser und das ende sollte so klein bleiben und der kleine Durchmesser etwas länger sein , dann könnte er wirklich gut sein , hoffe ich konnte helfen
Cleaning your sex toys has never been easier than with Meo VERYC
This product is incredibly easy to use, and it leaves your sex toys squeaky clean, and you know that they are spotless.
Efficient sex toy cleaning is essential to reducing the risks of yeast infections or worse. It is even more critical if using sex toys anally where bacteria are more prevalent.
I love how this solution doesn't smell of alcohol, and I like the after smell left on the toy, it also goes a long way to help cover any odours on butt plugs.
Read full review: https://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/meo-veryclean-2-0-universal-sex-toy-cleaning-spray-review.html
It may be small but do not underestimate its power when in the hands of a sadist. My wife brought this and I didn't think much of it but I was in for a shock. She said lets have some fun handcuffed me, gaged me and lead me to the garage. She had wrapped a metal chain around the roof beam and my hand cuffs forcing me in to a bent over position and secured in place with the time lock. She then told me that she was going out with her girl friends and wouldn't be back till the following day. She also declined to tell me how long the lock was set for and then she left. Who knows how long I struggled against my restraints it felt like days but finally the lock poped open and I was free well almost free
Got this to remove my body hair and become hairless. Worked great. Going to get more so I can maintain my hairless body. Making me a true submissive void of hair.