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Od 18 let
Následující stránky jsou určeny pouze pro dospělé. Vstupem na stránky potvrzujete, že je vám nejméně 18 let.
Really like these wipes, they come in a convenient little pack and very discreet which is handy to carry around and fit in my bag. The wipes themselves are a great size and perfectly thick which is great and a fantastic comfort to know that I am going to feel clean and refreshed. I think they are great value for money and generally just a fantastic product. Highly recommended
Der Cock Ring wurde in einer diskreten Umverpackung geliefert. Positiv zu werten ist, dass dieser nicht nach Gummi riecht, da der Cock Ring aus Silikon hergestellt wurde. Zudem fühlt sich der Ring angenehm auf der Haut an. Das Blut im Penis wird gut gestaut und die Erektion hält sehr lange an.
My husband loves me to use this on him - he dresses as a female fantasy slut and I tie him to a table with his legs spred wide open. I then lub him up and slid it in - spreading him wide open and then locking it open so that I can relax and enjoy a few glasses of wine while he is feeling it stretch him wide. I will often take it out only to slide it back in after shooting some lub inside his now stretched anal cavity. We will do this for 4 to 6 hours before I let him up with a sore bottome - get one - your husband will love it.
For those who might be slightly claustrophobic this hood excellent because the nature of the material permits limited vision but enough not to disorientate the wearer. Hearing is not impaired. Even with your mouth nicely stretched but in insertion breathing is possible through the nose without stress. The hood fits snuggly and is easily washed.
Ho comprato questa gabbia perché la mia precedente era troppo grande, la indosso da un giorno ormai e devo ammetterlo: è più comoda della mia gabbia precedente. L'interno della gabbia è piacevole e liscio e senza spigoli vivi sull'apertura. Ha molti anelli diversi da indossare intorno allo scroto, il che è un vantaggio. Questa gabbia si adatta a quasi tutti (purché il tuo pene abbia la giusta lunghezza).
Nach genügend Vordehnung und ausreichender Verwendung von Gleitmittel konnte der Think Big Dildo gut eingeführt werden. Der Sitz des Dildos ist gut und er bleibt da, wo er soll und man spürt ihn sehr gut. Ich habe nachgemessen und die angegebenen Abmessungen stimmen. Vor dem Erwerb sollte man sich der Größe bewusst werden und evtl. eine Größe kleiner wählen.