Jasné znamení vašich sexuálních preferencí! Kapesník byl prvním znakem, který označoval sexuální preference nositele (bondage, SM).
Jasný ukazatel vašich sexuálních preferencí! Jakou barvu má váš kapesník? Zeptala se Pat Califia v roce 1980. Kapesníky (hankies, bandanas) byly prvními zavedenými znaky, které označovaly sexuální preference nositele. Vznikly v subkultuře v 70. letech. Kód spočívá v nošení různobarevných kapesníků v zadní kapse kalhot. Aktivní je nosí na levé straně, pasivní na pravé. Switchers je nosí kolem krku....
52 x 52 cm
The Hanky Code
For those of you who do not know about it: the hanky code works as follows. You have a hanky hanging out of your back pocket. If it is worn on the left the person is a Dom, worn on the right means sub. Having a hanky hanging out of each of your back pockets always means: "looking for someone, don't matter what role I have to play". The different colours have different meanings. The hanky code is mainly used by the gay community, however, some heteros do use some of them.
Codes in general are getting outdated. As - even in the "difficult" countries - sex is becoming something you can talk about, there is no longer a need to use them. However, sometimes you will find some of them used at parties. In general, indications of whatever kind, worn left (so in the left backpocket, on the left shoulder or on the left wrist for example) indicates the person want to be in the dominant role. As a result of this, right very obviously stands for submissive.
Gute Qualität
Versand hat wunderbar geklappt (1 Tag LIeferzeit) und die Hankies haben im Vergleich zu anderen eine ausgesprochen gute Qualität!
LOVE this!!
Arrived next day and is beautiful!!
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