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Living in Canada has exposed me to many things, but it was my German roots that led me to try the DEEP'R Dildo Tsunami, and I couldn't be more grateful for the experience! Whether I'm enjoying some alone time or spicing things up with my partner, this is the toy I now reach for when I want a deep, fulfilling sensation.
With a staggering length of 64cm and a diameter ranging from 4cm to 8.5cm, the Tsunami is truly the epitome of what one imagines when they think of a colon dildo meant for deep anal training. Its size may be intimidating, but the experience it provides is unparalleled.
But it's not all about the size! Made from a gorgeous vinyl material, the DEEP'R Dildo Tsunami 2.0 conforms perfectly to the curves of your body. It's amazing how it touches places I never knew existed. Trust me when I say it will leave you in awe!
So what makes the DEEP'R Dildo Tsunami different? The extreme length, the considerable diameter, the unique textures, and a material that strikes the perfect balance between firmness and flexibility. It ensures that you feel every inch, deeply and intensely, exactly where you want it. This dildo promises complete fulfillment and delivers intense satisfaction. Beyond its size, its unique design ensures unforgettable moments.
In conclusion, if you're daring enough and looking for deep, satisfying pleasure, the DEEP'R Dildo Tsunami is a must try.
This was our first purchase of something this big. Getting the package was amazing as I watched my boys eyes as he took eyes on it. He wanted to use it immediately. So after some warm up and lots of practice he was able to take the entire dildo in. I highly recommend this product.
Das Material der Halsfessel ist einfach phantastisch und hochwertig, es schmiegt sich dadurch auch wunderbar an, so das es als nicht störend empfunden wird. Das gute am Halsband von MEO ist auch, das man das Halsband im geschlossenen Zustand auch noch mit einem Vorhängeschloss (wird mitgeliefert) gegen unerlaubtes Abnemen sichern kann. An den drei D-Ringen aus Edelstahl kann man entweder den Sklaven mit einem Seil fixieren, oder auch die Handfesseln oder eine Sklavenleine fixieren.
I just received mine in I just received mine in the mail today and it didn't disappoint at all! Sometimes I'm very hard to cum but this toy made me go over the edge several times!
Der Dildo hat meine Erwartungen voll erfüllt. Gut verarbeitet, ausreichend biegsam, fühlt sich gut an vom Material her, riecht nicht. Frau und Mann freut's.
Auf dieser Sklaventoilette thront meine Herrin mit standesgemäßem Komfort, während ich als Sklave meinen Dienst verrichte. Stabil, funktionell und perfekt designt. The Seat von MEO liess mir meine Fantasien wahr werden. Dieses Möbel eignet sich für den Einsatz im professionellen Dominastudio oder für das privates Vergnügen Zuhause . Der Seat bietet wirklich höchste Materialqualität und maximale Stabilität, damit ich meine Toilettenfantasien sicher und lustvoll umsetzen kann.
Pokpok might sound like a funny name but this mighty dildo means business. With a deliciously thick shaft thats covered in dotted bumps and swells, it offers sensational twisting and grinding pleasure.