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Schnelle und diskrete Lieferung seitens MEO, Dilator komplett und wie beschrieben. Geiles Teil, geht definitiv gut rin. Hab's beim ersten Einführen nicht geschafft, bin vor lauter Geilheit schon vorher gekommen.
The realm of pleasure this thing opens up is... well, you've got
I have to share this - a few days ago I received a remarkable new toy, the stainless steel penis plug, right here in Birmingham. It was shipped to me in just two days from MEO Germany and I have to give credit to their customer service; simply outstanding. If you've ever considered urethral play, or if you're already a fan, you really need to try this plug.
Why am I so excited about this particular penis plug? It's the design. Made from stainless steel (my personal favourite for its smooth surface and ease of sterilization), this penis plug has a conical shape. It starts narrow and then gradually widens, allowing for controlled urethral dilation. Plus, there are laser markings that mark the different diameters - perfect for keeping track of your training progress.
Trust me, this is not just for the thrill-seekers. Medical reasons aside, urethral stimulation is surprisingly erotic. It's like exploring a whole new world of sexual pleasure. This penis plug can be an amazing addition to your sexual routine, and if you're into BDSM, it's a perfect fit.
So if you're ready to explore new frontiers in your sexual adventures, give this Penis Plug a try. It's a game changer, trust me. Safe, intense and with a unique design, it's destined to become your best training partner. I, for one, am eager to continue my journey with this extraordinary playmate. The realm of pleasure this thing opens up is... well, you've got to try it to understand!
Neben dem beeindruckenden Gewicht und der sicheren Stärke hat das Handfessel Modell auch einige weitere Vorzüge zu bieten. Darunter der Schnellverriegelungsschieber, der das Anlegen der Handschelle selbst dann noch erlaubt, wenn es hoch und hektisch hergeht. Mit 16 Schließpositionen und einem variablen Innendurchmesser von 155 bis 225 Millimetern kann die Handfessel sehr genau angepasst werden und erlaubt auch das Fixieren von Personen mit stärkeren Handgelenken. Anders als bei extremen Sondergrößen lassen sich mit dem Handfessel Modell von Clejuso allerdings auch durchschnittliche Größen umfassen. Die kurze Kettenverbindung mit zwei Gliedern sorgt zudem für eine effektive Einschränkung der Bewegungsfreiheit.
The Twisting Tom is AMAZING!!! Whether I use it alone or with my wife the intensity of orgasms are off the charts. Gotta give credit where it’s due. My wife introduced me to this new fun. With this device I’ve experienced multiple orgasms to which I didn’t know a man can do. Is it recommended? Hell yes!
As an individual who is open to exploring new horizons in my sexual experiences, the Suction Cup Penis Plug has utterly transformed my intimate moments. This innovative and sensational evolution of the traditional penis plug has brought sounding to a whole new level of ease and intensity.
The brilliance of the suction cup cannot be understated. It securely adheres to almost any smooth surface, enabling a hands-free use of the penis plug. Now, I can focus entirely on the unique sensations that 'sounding' can provide without any distractions.
It's certainly not for everyone, but for those like me who crave new and intense sensations, it's a path worth treading.
In terms of product details, the plug is made from stainless steel, and the suction cup is detachable for easy cleaning. It comes in various sizes to cater to your comfort levels.