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Od 18 let
Následující stránky jsou určeny pouze pro dospělé. Vstupem na stránky potvrzujete, že je vám nejméně 18 let.
This ball stretcher keeps the balls stretched without the weight, making it ideal for wearing under your cloths. It also makes it more comfortable during oral and anal sex because there is no weight to make your balls slap against his face or ass.
Entspannung: Beim Analsex kann es passieren, dass die Muskeln angespannt sind und das Eindringen unangenehm oder sogar schmerzhaft wird. Das Spray hilft, die Muskulatur zu entspannen, wodurch das Eindringen leichter und angenehmer wird. Schmerzlinderung: Da das Spray eine betäubende Wirkung hat, kann es dazu beitragen, mögliche Schmerzen oder Unbehagen beim Analsex zu reduzieren. Angstabbau: Manche Männer und Frauen sind beim Analsex ängstlich oder nervös. Das Wissen, dass man das Analforte Spray verwendet, das den Bereich entspannt, kann dazu beitragen, Ängste abzubauen und den Analsex insgesamt viel schöner und angenehmer zu gestalten.
Bello Consegna veloce e anonima, prodotti come da descrizione, io e il mio ragazzo siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti. Abbiamo trovato un altro modo per passare delle serate alternative
I've had at least a dozen different butt plugs and this one is by far the most comfortable. I've had it in for as long as 10 hours overnight. With the base being narrow and curved, I can hardly tell it's there. This is the only plug I've had that I can sit on a hard chair with and be comfortable. Feels great going for a walk. It always stays in the same position. I highly recommend trying this one on your anatomy.
Il miglior lube in assoluto che abbia mai provato (e ne ho provati davvero tanti). Questo è quello che meno abbia lasciato quella sensazione fastidiosissima di secchezza, tipica di quando si asciugano sulla pelle molti lub a base d'acqua. Invece questo, anche quando si asciuga dopo un po', lascia le parti morbide ed idratate, al contrario di molti altri lub ad acqua che costringono al riutilizzo continuo dopo la prima applicazione per via della secchezza che lasciano poi. Lo ricomprerò di continuo!
Must admit that I was a little skeptical about it. However, my bf and I had talked about it and the purchase was made. Delivery was on time and the quality of the product exceeded expectations.
Now... too bad I can't share the pics that I took of my bf wearing the sling... OMFG!!!!, That was HOT !!!!!!... Sooo looking forward for more nights with him wearing that sling... ;-)