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Od 18 let
Následující stránky jsou určeny pouze pro dospělé. Vstupem na stránky potvrzujete, že je vám nejméně 18 let.
Really like these wipes, they come in a convenient little pack and very discreet which is handy to carry around and fit in my bag. The wipes themselves are a great size and perfectly thick which is great and a fantastic comfort to know that I am going to feel clean and refreshed. I think they are great value for money and generally just a fantastic product. Highly recommended
I have only recently started using some of MEO products. So far I have found them to be great. This one is just as good as the other products in their range.
When using personal tools you absolutely have to make sure they are cleaned between uses, especially if you're going between oral, vaginal and anal. This is a great cleaner, easy to use and scent free.